why misogynists make great informants…

An article originally published in make/shift magazine (Spring/Summer 2010):
Why Misogynists Make Great Informants: How Gender Violence on the Left Enables State Violence in Radical Movements

… Despite all that we say to the contrary, the fact is that radical social movements and organizations in the United States have refused to seriously address gender violence as a threat to the survival of our struggles. We’ve treated misogyny, homophobia, and heterosexism as lesser evils—secondary issues—that will eventually take care of themselves or fade into the background once the “real” issues—racism, the police, class inequality, U.S. wars of aggression—are resolved. There are serious consequences for choosing ignorance. Misogyny and homophobia are central to the reproduction of violence in radical activist communities. Scratch a misogynist and you’ll find a homophobe. Scratch a little deeper and you might find the makings of a future informant (or someone who just destabilizes movements like informants do).

… Dismantling misogyny cannot be work that only women do. We all must do the work because the survival of our movements depends on it. Until we make radical feminist and queer political ethics that directly challenge heteropatriarchal forms of organizing central to our political practice, radical movements will continue to be devastated by the antics of Brandon Darbys (and folks who aren’t informants but just act like them). A queer, radical, feminist ethic of accountability would challenge us to recognize how gender violence is reproduced in our communities, relationships, and organizing practices. …

As angry as gender violence on the Left makes me, I am hopeful. I believe we have the capacity to change and create more justice in our movements. We don’t have to start witch hunts to reveal misogynists and informants. They out themselves every time they refuse to apologize, take ownership of their actions, start conflicts and refuse to work them out through consensus, mistreat their compañer@s. We don’t have to look for them, but when we are presented with their destructive behaviors we have to hold them accountable. Our strategies don’t have to be punitive; people are entitled to their mistakes. But we should expect that people will own those actions and not allow them to become a pattern.

We have a right to be angry when the communities we build that are supposed to be the model for a better, more just world harbor the same kinds of antiqueer, antiwoman, racist violence that pervades society. As radical organizers we must hold each other accountable and not enable misogynists to assert so much power in these spaces. Not allow them to be the faces, voices, and leaders of these movements. …

by Courtney Desiree Morris @ INCITE! Blog!
via Living Opposed to Violence and Exploitation

FW: Anti-racism message lost in Judith Butler reporting (Judith Butler refuses Berlin Pride Civil Courage Prize 2010)

Press Release by SUSPECT on the events of the 19th June, 2010

As Berlin Queer and Trans Activists of Colour and Allies we welcome Judith Butler’s decision to turn down the Zivilcourage Prize awarded by Berlin Pride. We are delighted that a renowned theorist has used her celebrity status to honour queer of colour critiques against racism, war, borders, police violence and apartheid. We especially value her bravery in openly critiquing and scandalising the organisers’ closeness to homonationalist organisations. Her courageous speech is a testimony to her openness for new ideas, and her readiness to engage with our long activist and academic work, which all too often happens under conditions of isolation, precariousness, appropriation and instrumentalisation.

Sadly this is happening once again, for the people of colour organisations who according to Butler should have deserved the award more than her are not mentioned once in the press reports to date. Butler offered the prize to GLADT (www.gladt.de) , LesMigraS (www.lesmigras.de), SUSPECT and ReachOut (www.reachoutberlin.de), yet the one political space mentioned in the reports is the Transgenial Christopher Street Day, a white-dominated alternative Pride event. Instead of racism, the press focuses on a simple critique of commercialisation. This even though Butler herself was quite clear: “I must distance myself from complicity with racism, including anti-Muslim racism.” She notes that not just homosexuals, but also “bi, trans and queer people can be used by those who want to wage war.”
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various feminist intersections

some excellent and thought-provoking recent pieces via Bitch Magazine blogs:

“Feminist Intersection: On hipsters/hippies and Native culture”

Lately I’ve had my fair share of run-ins with the hipsters and hippies, as well as the hippie/hipster “culture” at large, and have become increasingly annoyed at their depiction/co-option of my ethnicity as a First Nations person. […] I know my parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles have had to deal with this in their time and it’s certainly not a new thing –but it’s 2010 and not only does it still continue strongly to this day – it’s taken some interesting turns down the erasure of true origins road. …

“Adventures in Feministory: Sara Estela Ramírez”

Called the “muse of Texas” in her 1910 obituary, Sara Estela Ramírez was a poet and activist in the politically-charged border town of Laredo, and used her words to inspire workers and women alike.
Born in 1881 in Coahuila, Mexico, she helped raise her younger sister when her mother died early on. They moved to Laredo, Texas in about 1897, where Ramírez began teaching. Although Laredo had always had a mostly Mexican population (seeing that it was part of Mexico a few decades earlier…that’s another story), when the Mexican revolution began in 1910, its population swelled as more Mexicans left the country seeking refuge and work. …

“Free Speech. Hate Speech.”

Sex slavery yields around $12 billion a year and harms about 4 million women, girls, and young boys around the world. On April 23, 2010 Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed into law the state’s undocumented immigration law (aka “breathing while brown”). Psychology professor Kevin MacDonald continues to receive attention for promoting anti-Semitic arguments and remains the darling of white supremacist bigots. Between 2006 and 2008, violence toward queer and transgender people increased 26 percent.
Connecting these global dots is the fact that hate-speech, hate-motivated violence, and gender-based crime can incite widespread fear, frustration, isolation, and anger, even among those who are not directly victimized. …

“Autostraddle Roundtable: Becoming Queer Feminists (Part 1)”

Though it’s officially defined as a belief in gender equality, the word “feminist” seems to mean different things to different people…
Who doesn’t believe in equality? Assh*les, that’s who. But tell that to your brother when he wants you to stop pointing out every misogynistic moment in Two a Half Men, or your Mom when she wonders why you’re so angry or Scott Baio, who thinks feminists are all lesbian shitasses.
Maybe you get judged for being a feminist, maybe you don’t bring it up with your family, or maybe you’re way past that and you’re introducing feminism to your own children. Or maybe you don’t even identify as a feminist at all.
Autostraddle was founded way back in March 2009 in part to push our radical lesbian feminist agenda, obviously.
But for those of us who do, especially those of us also campaigning actively against racism and homophobia in our own lives, we often wonder: What is the purpose of all this shouting and “consciousness-raising”? How do we turn our anger into activism? How do we make it work? …

The Splendid Table Radio: Why are there no famous female chefs?

“Writer Charlotte Druckman talks with Lynne about what she sees as the dearth of great female chefs.” Druckman does a great job here talking about the ways in which female chefs are marginalized/tokenized by the mass media.

“Raising Trouble: Does Pink Really Stink?”

The merchants of pink would have loved School Picture Day at my son’s preschool: hardly any other color was visible on the little girls. Naturally I was thrilled to learn about an organization called Pink Stinks, a UK-based project – founded by twin sisters, both mothers of girls — seeking to challenge “the culture of pink which invades every aspect of girls’ lives.” This group has, among other achievements, successfully pressured Sainsbury’s, a major UK clothing retailer, to stop gender stereotyping in its kids clothing sections. Awesome, obviously. I wish there were more groups like this everywhere.
But I’m curious what we should think of the vilification of pink. …

“european person of the year 2010”: iana matei

“‘Europeanul Anului 2010’ este o hunedoreancă născută în municipiul Orăştie”

Iana Matei a fost recompensată de o revistă de talie mondială pentru lupta sa împotriva prostituţiei juvenile, dar şi pentru salvarea victimelor traficului de carne vie.
De la o adresă secretă din Piteşti, voluntarii organizaţiei „Reaching Out” salvează vieţile copiilor care cad victime traficanţilor de fiinţe umane. În fruntea lor este Iana Matei de 50 de ani, preşedinta şi fondatoarea organizaţiei, care şi-a dedicat şi chiar riscat viaţa pentru salvarea acestor copii.

(via c.)

“Europeanul Anului 2010 este romanca Iana Matei”

“‘Européenne de l’année 2010’: Iana Matei, l’ange des persécutés”

“‘Europäerin des Jahres 2010’: Iana Matei, der Engel der Verschleppten”

“Romanian named European Person of the Year 2010”

The 19-strong jury of the Reader’s Digest magazine, offered the title of ‘European Person of the Year’ to a Romanian, a first in the 15-year history of this award, a hero who has dedicated and risked her life to save the girls who fell victim to traffickers in persons.

It’s been 11 years since Iana Matei, aged 50, founder and executive director of ‘Reaching Out’, has been using her organization as a weapon against this most cruel form of modern slavery.

Reaching out, a shelter for trafficked girls

“the haiti that we knew no longer exists”

Via Democracy Now! comes this report about how many right wing think tanks are already speculating on the best way to “take advantage” of the disaster in Haiti.

Naomi Klein Issues Haiti Disaster Capitalism Alert: Stop Them Before They Shock Again
Journalist and author Naomi Klein spoke in New York last night and addressed the crisis in Haiti: “We have to be absolutely clear that this tragedy—which is part natural, part unnatural—must, under no circumstances, be used to, one, further indebt Haiti and, two, to push through unpopular corporatist policies in the interest of our corporations. This is not conspiracy theory. They have done it again and again.” [includes rush transcript]

via vivirlatino, via flip flopping joy

more democracy now! commentary and on-the-ground coverage:

US Policy in Haiti Over Decades “Lays the Foundation for Why Impact of Natural Disaster Is So Severe”

Report from Haiti: Desperate Call for Aid with Rescue Equipment, Medicine, Food & Water in Short Supply

“The Sound of Screaming Is Constant”–Haiti Devastated by Massive Earthquake, Desperate Search for Survivors Continues

Earthquake Survivors Dying as Aid Struggles to Reach Haiti

fw: Roma women urge European governments to respect their human rights

(2nd International meeting of Roma women)

Athens, 12.01.2010 – The increased and alarming human rights violations against Romani women and ways of ensuring full enjoyment of their rights topped the agenda of a two-day conference of Roma women, which ended today in Athens.

In a final declaration of the conference, the participants unanimously called on European governments to uphold their obligations and ensure that Romani women enjoy their fundamental rights, to put an end to a climate of impunity around atrocious abuses of their rights, to take unequivocal measures to punish perpetrators and compensate Romani women victims.

Romani women also urged the governments of European countries, where forced sterilisation is an ongoing practice, to take active measures to compensate the victims, sanction perpetrators and initiate state medical reform in the area of patients’ rights.

The conference’s conclusions stressed the need to prevent de facto segregation in housing and education, while promoting the principles of equality and integration.

Participants also encouraged Roma activists and human rights communities to actively engage with Roma communities to raise awareness on their human rights and facilitate access to public services and law enforcement mechanisms.
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“LUARE DE POZIȚIE cu privire la evenimentele anti-rome din județul Harghita/ ÁLLÁSFOGLALÁS. A Hargita megyei roma-ellenes események kapcsán”

destinatar: Prefectura și primării ale județului Harghita, UDMR și alte partide politice, Guvernul României

Fiind martorii evenimentelor anti-rome din județul Harghita din ultimele luni, indiferent de apartenența noastră etnică, luăm atitudine împotriva violenței hrănite din incitarea la ura etnică, precum și împotriva transformării problemelor economice în tensiuni interetnice.
Ne exprimăm dezacordul față de practica care îi pedepsește pe semenii noștri (dorind să-i alunge din sate și orașe) din cauză că ei nu sunt în stare să schimbe condiția lor materială. Și față de etichetarea negativă a identității lor etnice pe această bază. Precum și față de starea în care indivizi și colectivități percepuți prin identitatea lor etnică devin nu doar victime ale oprimării economice, umilirii culturale și manipulării politice, ci și ale violenței fizice.

Vezi/Semneaza Petitia