changing things? opting out? (punk rock and hip-hop too)

interesting discussion over here: “It Ain’t Sexism, It’s Punk Rock!”

which goes over the same ground we covered in the past couple of years in discussions within the ladyfest collective:

and i’ve got “punk rock is ice cream-eating macho guys” and also “remember, kids, punks are macho!” :)
oh, yeah, and “ziua barbatului, yaaay” (with some examples of feminist punk guys/songs)

looking at the comments over at bastante already, i can’t help but be surprised (and kind of saddened) by how little of an opportunity people seem to have had for these kinds of discussions, how little information there seems to be out there about books like Pretty in Punk or even about the riot grrrl movement… again, i find “Results of a misspent youth” so useful to revisit:
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target women episodes

un show despre diverse chestii absurde din mass media si publicitate despre/”pentru” femei [en]:

“yogurt edition”

“feeding your f*ing family”


“wedding shows”

“birth control”

prezentatoarea este comediana sarah haskins

si apropos de feminism si umor:

international women’s day in bucharest

March 8th – Day of Women’s Activism vs Romanian Woman’s Day

8 martie – Ziua femeilor militante vs Ziua femeii in Romania  

9 martie, in Underworld, str.Atelierului nr 14 


Pe tot parcursul serii va asteptam sa veniti cu idei creative pentru a face o zina ad-hoc. Pornim de la feminism si putem ajunge… oriunde! 

PROIECTIE FILM LIBERTARIAS (1996, regia Vicente Aranda)

Filmul prezinta dintr-o perspective feminista conflictul dintre fascisti si comunisti in timpul Razboiului Civil Spaniol, concentrandu-se pe un grup de femei gata sa moara pentru cauza lor. Tanara calugarita Maria se alatura gruparii anarhiste “Femei Libere” si ajunge sa adere la dorinta acestora de a crea o societate bazata pe libertate. 

Dupa proiectii, muzica si party.
