
Un studiu realizat cu putin inainte de Ziua Internationala a Femeii, moment de bilant pentru miscarile feministe europene, arata ca inegalitatea dintre sexe ramane o problema.

“Profesional, femeile nu castiga teren in fata barbatilor” (Curentul, 26.2.2008)

alte studii/campanii/pozitii institutionale (en):

Invitation to the Eclectic Tech Carnival in May

Inviting All Women


The seventh Eclectic Tech Carnival will be held from Sunday the 25th until Saturday the 31st of May in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The /ETC is a unique tech skill-share that has been held annually since 2002. The emphasis has always been women sharing their experiences, knowledge and skills around free software, open hardware and universal interoperability of systems in a fun way.

We are calling all women who are interested in the Eclectic Tech Carnival to register via the following form:

Registration closes at 23:59 on 1 April 2008.
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cum spuneam intr-un post mai vechi la care tocmai am facut referire aici, de multe ori chiar in cazurile cele mai extreme barbatii care comit crime misogine sint… intelesi. cine poarta vina pentru aceste crime? tot femeile:

You can say many things about the double murderer Levi Bellfield, but you could never suggest that this was a man who kept his rampant, violent misogyny a secret. … The past week has brought us not one, but three horrific cases of misogyny-inspired murders, which have ended in the convictions of Bellfield, Mark Dixie and Steve Wright. In each case, what comes through most strongly is just how open, violent and persistent the killer’s misogyny was, and how they were allowed to indulge it, and even boast of it, for years. … In all three of these murder cases, the men had been violent towards one or more of their partners in the past. … Given the litany of violence carried out by each of these men, how did they stay free to attack women for so long? Why didn’t their partners go to the police and complain that these men were vicious wife-beaters? … And for anyone looking for more evidence of misogyny, just consider who is being blamed for these murders: their mothers. …

“How could it happen again?” (27.2.08, The Guardian)

it’s only a “myth” if…

The psychology of female rape apologists isn’t that hard to figure out. If you can tell yourself that rape survivors asked for it — that they dressed a certain way, flirted too much, drank too much, just changed their minds, or flat-out made it up — you feel safe. You don’t do those things, and so you aren’t at risk.

I’m sympathetic to the need for psychological self-protection. But not when it’s to the detriment of other women. … It’s the standard right-wing misogynist line. And it’s part of a much broader assault on women’s rights and basic bodily autonomy. …

from the first of two posts @ feministe commenting a recent l.a. times op-ed called “what campus rape crisis?”

finally, a feminism 101 blog highlights those posts and also links to a round-up of blogger reactions put together by SAFER (a great response in the l.a. times by nora niedzielski-eichner from SAFER here)