revista maxim impotriva misoginiei. altora.

o reclama de pulafashion si revista maxim din campania “spune nu pedofiliei din showbiz” (“a fi barbat nu inseamna sa-ti cumperi trupuri de copile sarace ca si cum ai cumpara o bucata de carne dintr-un galantar”):

o imagine obisnuita din revista maxim:

mesajul campaniei “antisociale” pulafashion&maxim?

“a fi barbat nu inseamna sa-ti cumperi trupuri feminine ca pe o bucata de carne… decit cind ti le vindem noi.”


Protesting Maxim Girl Search [en]

Imaginea femeii in publicitate
“What’s the problem? Facts about girls, women + media” [en]
Center for Media Literacy: Sexist Ads
Media Watch Hall of Shame
Killing Us Softly

“No to sexist ads! An example of successful campaigning” [en]

despre “tirfa”/”curva”

“the taming of the slur” (@ feministe) – o discutie despre cum este folosit termenul “slut” si implicatii; comentariile de pe blog sint si ele f. utile

care are fi asemanarile si diferentele fata de cum se foloseste “tirfa” in limba romana?

din dex:

CÚRVĂ, curve, s.f. 1. (Pop.) Femeie care duce o viaţă desfrânată. ♦ Prostituată. 2. Fig. Om ipocrit, josnic; cutră.

PROSTITUÁTĂ s. cocotă, curvă, târfă, femeie de stradă, (pop. şi fam.) damă, madamă, (înv. şi reg.) pârţotină, telăliţă, teleleică, (reg.) lele, madaranţă, scorţotină, tearfă, târnoaţă, (prin Transilv.) bandură, bulă, (prin Bucov.) crăiţă, (prin Maram.) landră, (prin Mold. şi Bucov.) mişarcă, (înv.) magopaţă, tălaniţă, femeie publică, (fam.) fleoarţă, fleorţotină, şuleandră, (fig.) buleandră, pupăză, putoare, târâtură, (reg. fig.) haită, pupezoaică, terfeloagă, (Transilv. fig.) gudă, (prin Mold. fig.) ruptură, (arg.) maimuţă, marcoavă, mastroacă.

TÂRFĂ s. v. buleandră, cârpă, fleandură, otreapă, petică, stomac, zdreanţă.

putin despre revendicarea lui “slut” de catre riot grrrls aici: “media-grrrl vs riot grrrl” si despre revendicarea “noastra” a cuvintului “lady”:

De ce folosim cuvantul “lady”?

Ne-am tot gandit cum sa explicam altor persoane feministe de ce noi, ca organizatie feminista, folosim cuvantul “lady”, care poate fi atat de peiorativ sau degradant. De-a lungul istoriei, in cadrul mai multor miscari politice, sociale si pentru drepturi civile, cei defavorizati au revendicat cuvinte folosite impotriva lor de catre fortele opresive, asa incat aceste forte sa nu mai aiba puterea de a ne insulta cu limbajul lor. Redefinirea termenilor “lor” este pentru noi o modalitate de rebeliune si rezistenta, care ne reda controlul asupra propriilor vieti. De exemplu, in limba engleza cuvinte ca “Chicana”, “dyke”, “queer”, “fag”, “bitch”, “cunt”, “whore” etc. au fost revendicate si transformate in termeni pro-activi, de auto-definire. In nici un caz nu vrem sa insinuam ca toate activistele si/sau feministele trebuie sa revendice limbajul negativ folosit impotriva noastra. Realizam ca unii oameni prefera pur si simplu sa elimine acesti termeni si sa creeze noi auto-definitii. Noi respectam si incurajam si aceasta atitudine din toata inima. Ladyfest nu e o organizatie alcatuita din “ladies” in vreun sens traditional al cuvantului. Nu suntem “doamne” sau “domnisoare”, si nu suntem “finute”. Nu suntem tacute, politicoase, supuse, cuminti. Suntem active, curajoase, puternice si diverse. Ne miscam in afara sferei de auto-exprimare definite si aprobate de catre patriarhie. Suntem “ladies” conform propriei noastre terminologii; cand cineva ne numeste “lady” (“doamna”, “domnisoara”, “fata”, etc.) noi stim cine/ce suntem (chiar daca ei n-o realizeaza), si aceasta putere a intelegerii si stiintei de sine contracareaza marginalizarile sexiste, injositoare, discriminatorii, sau de orice alta natura.

de citit

“free to rock out”No fires at these summer camps for girls, but plenty of guitars, drums, keyboards and a whole lot of ambition.

un interviu cu katha pollitt despre feminisme (“‘Strident’ and proud”: Columnist Katha Pollitt blasts feminism’s new timidity and says, “This ‘girls just want to have fun’ feminism is a very shallow approach to life.)
+ un video in care “katha pollitt issues a challenge to the christian right”

“abortion is a basic human right”A doctor who was tortured for giving medical aid to Guatemalan rebels says a woman’s right to end her pregnancy must be considered an international human right.

“give me that old-time feminism”While Muslim women are being stuffed into burkas, American post-feminists are trying to stuff their feet into stilettos.

“climate change is a women’s issue”Some women’s advocates are demanding that new climate policies address the different ways men and women will be affected by global warming..

fete proaste, fete curve

un articol despre prevalenta si popularitatea imaginii de “stupid girl” in pop-culture-ul curent – explicatii, implicatii:

Return of the brainless hussies

From “American Idol” to Paris Hilton to an army of jiggly video stars, vapid females seem to be everywhere these days. Have we really gone this far backward, baby?

During the last week of April, Ellen DeGeneres welcomed Paris Hilton and her four Chihuahuas to her daytime talk show, ostensibly for a special episode about dogs. Once the host had the hotel heiress sitting down, however, she pressed her on a non-canine issue, asking whether she was hurt by Pink’s video for “Stupid Girls,” which mocks Hilton and her shopping-zombie peers for their essentially somnambulant behavior, and which two weeks earlier, DeGeneres had praised on her show. “I haven’t even seen it yet,” said the hotel heiress, in her flat monotone. “But I think … it’s just a form of flattery.”

Any thinking person who has seen Pink’s video, in which she sends up Jessica Simpson’s “These Boots Were Made for Walking” video by humping a soapy car, imitates an Olsen twin in Montana-size sunglasses and Wyoming-size handbag walking straight into the plate-glass door of a boutique, and savagely mocks Hilton’s appearance in a dingy night-vision sex tape, would not confuse the clip with any known form of flattery. Especially if that thinking person heard the “Stupid Girls” lyrics, which go, in part: “They travel in packs of two or three/ With their itsy-bitsy doggies and their teeny-weeny tees/ Where, oh where, have the smart people gone?”

But Hilton is not a thinking person. Or, if she is, she hasn’t let on.

[….] these new, varied and wildly threatening options help to explain and undergird a rejuvenated craze for dumb chic. Perhaps, as social progress propels women slowly but undeniably forward into public spheres of influence, baser human impulses — erotic desire, capitalist greed — dig in, summoning and then clinging to a dusty daydream of the fast-fading ideal woman of yesteryear.

Working on this story, I received an e-mail from a Harvard graduate student who told me that while he’d dated only smart girls, he “liked the ‘idea’ of dating a dumb girl.” The fantasy, the student explained, “is almost certainly formed for us by the media representations of … celebrities [like Hilton, Lohan, and Simpson]. Blonde dumb girls are sexy. And won’t talk back. Add in various shades of male ego/guaranteed superiority notions, and you’ve pretty much got it.” In a world in which male superiority is no longer guaranteed, it becomes a lascivious desire that can be gratified, performatively if need be, by willing women. As Pink trills, mockingly, “Maybe if I act like that/ that guy will call me back.”

But it’s time to put that transactional model for romance out of its misery, and make room in the pop firmament for examples that sound more like Pink’s self-assessment: “I’m so glad that I’ll never fit in/ That will never be me/ Outcasts and girls with ambition/ That’s what I wanna see.”

dupa parerea mea, analiza e rezonabila. (ma mira ca nu spune nimic despre pop-cultura (radical) feminista care exista si ea, reprezentata de le tigre si bust si stitch ‘n’ bitch si hip hop feminist si feminist-blogging si o gramada de alte chestii nu total underground printre care si ladyfest – si pentru care pink-ca-si-feminista este numai o foarte indepartata intruchipare din mainstream.) dar articolul este si mai bun citit in combinatie cu textul “I like Paris Hilton”, care explica de ce la un anumit nivel reactiile “feministe” la tipe gen paris hilton (“e curva deci e proasta si viceversa”) sint de fapt profund anti-feministe:

“More accurately perhaps, I don’t hate her.”

“I can like Paris and agree that some of what she does is Bullshit.”

“I’m not saying Paris Hilton should be the next poster girl for feminism. I am saying the reasons so many love to hate her seem steeped in sexism.”

“If I have a problem with Paris, it’s with celebrity obsession/worship in general and our ass-backwards media that force feeds them down our throat and successfully lulls so many Americans into a general lazy complacency – instead of thinking about or acting on The Real Issues.”

eu cred ca urmatorul punct este si foarte adevarat si foarte important: “attaching the ‘slut’ moniker to Hilton ultimately does feminists more harm than good. When a feminist mocks the so-called slutitude of another woman, she gives the misogynists a green light to do the same” (sau “1) much of the hatred of Paris reinforces anti-feminist norms in essentially deplorable ways, and 2) the hatred of Paris even for the better reasons is clearly over-the-top compared to other rich airheads because she’s an openly sexual young woman.”).

are women human?

din ciclul care e diferenta intre feminism si anti-pornografie, de pe acest blog (episoade precedente: 1, 2 si 3):

citeam un interviu relativ recent cu catherine mackinnon: “In her new book, leading feminist Catharine MacKinnon argues that women are still treated more like “things” than people. …”

deci din p. meu personal d.v., desi am ajuns de-a lungul anilor la o pozitie foarte diferita de ideile intransigent/absolut anti-porn si anti-prostitutie ale lui mackinnon si dworkin, sint totusi mai de acord decit nu cu ce spune mackinnon pe linia “Pornography affects people’s belief in rape myths. So for example if a woman says ‘I didn’t consent’ and people have been viewing pornography, they believe rape myths and believe the woman did consent no matter what she said. That when she said no, she meant yes. When she said she didn’t want to, that meant more beer. When she said she would prefer to go home, that means she’s a lesbian who needs to be given a good corrective experience. Pornography promotes these rape myths and desensitises people to violence against women so that you need more violence to become sexually aroused if you’re a pornography consumer. This is very well documented.” chiar cred ca e mult adevar in chestia asta. si cred ca vedem rezultatele in “rape culture”-ul care se perpetueaza la nesfirsit… motivul pentru care atitudinea predominanta fata de viol ramine cea cu “victima trebuie sa fi facut ceva sa merite – sau macar sa invite atacul” (si asta nu numai din partea unor persoane conservatoare sau fara compasiune la alte capitole). numai intr-un rape culture e posibil ca, in secolul xxi:

– in italia (unde btw legea impotriva violului marital este inca ceva f. nou), intr-un caz in care o fata a fost violata de tatal ei vitreg, sentinta sa fie mai usoara pentru ca fata avea experienta sexuala

un senator in sua sa poata vorbi despre singura exceptie pe care o poate vedea el la noua lege in south dakota care interzice avortul chiar in cazuri de viol sau incest, in urmatorii termeni: “A real-life description [of an exception scenario] to me would be a rape victim, brutally raped, savaged. The girl was a virgin. She was religious. She planned on saving her virginity until she was married. She was brutalized and raped, sodomized as bad as you can possibly make it, and is impregnated. I mean, that girl could be so messed up, physically and psychologically, that carrying that child could very well threaten her life.” (pentru ca, altfel, majoritatea violurilor sint o nimica toata. mai ales daca victima nu e virgina/religioasa.) alte reactii la napoli si interzicerea avortului in south dakota: aici, aici si aici.

– despre un caz in care o stripteusa (negresa) i-a acuzat de viol pe niste studenti (albi), cineva sa poata scrie urmatoarele “It’s racism at Duke, all right. Racism against white students. Members of the Duke University Lacrosse team may have abused a black party girl, but, without any proof or trial, the Duke Lacrosse team was punished by the university, suspended from further games. So terrified was the administration of being charged with “racism.” The black female wins again. She is truly an ace on the field and in court.” cu alte cuvinte, nu numai ca nu se poate sa fi fost viol pentru ca e vorba de o “black party girl”, dar chiar daca ar fi fost un viol nedreptatea aici e ca victima a indraznit sa-ngreuneze vietile celor care au atacat-o si ale suporterilor lor. (sau, daca nu e acuzata pe baza faptului ca e o femeie usoara si ne-alba, atunci victima e mincinoasa pt. ca “She filed a sexual assault report ten years ago and did not follow through with the investigation.”)

etc. etc. etc. si-apoi, desigur, te intilnesti cu atitudini de-astea, uneori mai “subtile” uneori nu, la tot pasul. constant. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Continue reading

call: videos on the theme “gender identity”

call: videos on the theme “gender identity”
final deadline: 1 March 2006

VideoChannel is looking for videos on the theme of “gender identity”, to be included in the online collection on, as well as the DVD video collection to be presented on festivals and media exhibitions. Continue reading

inca 1/2 cent

de pe “(s)hitlist”-ul revistei bitch, un post despre o discutie feminista despre porn:

“Porn on the Page
All this week, Slate’s book club features Laura Kipnis (Against Love), Wendy Shalit (A Return to Modesty), and Meghan O’Rourke discussing two new books on the sexualization of American culture, Pamela Paul’s Pornified: How Pornography is Transforming Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Fantasies and Ariel Levy’s Female Chauvinist Pigs: Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture. We’re psyched to see both these books—and the many questions about pleasure, gender, and agency they bring up—discussed by such provocative women. (Also, be sure to check out our own interview with Levy in the upcoming issue of Bitch.)”
+ comentariile la discutie

interesant de rasfoit!

porn/ sex work/ sexualitate si feminism – my 2 cents

citeva alte resurse care merita citite, pentru context:

The Vibrator-Light-o’-Truth: Erotica, Porn and Selling a Sex Positive America

Girls gone wild & Babes in BushWorld & Feminism Is a Failure, and Other Myths
Of Woman Porn
Feminist Views of Pornography
Research for sex work

eu cred ca discutia despre porn etc. trebuie pusa in contextul potrivit, care nu e alb-negru. ideea cea mai de baza e ca 1. nu exista nici un punct universal valabil despre sexualitatea umana si despre nivelul de confort sau libertate pe care o are fiecare om in privinta propriei sexualitati, si 2. in acelasi timp sexualitatea personala exista in cadrul conventiilor si regulilor impuse de societate, care este adinc patriarhala, materialista, consumista. e incontestabil ca sex work-ul, ca industrie, tinde sa exploateze. pe de alta parte, ce industrie nu exploateaza cit poate mai tare? de ce e sex work-ul vazut atit de diferit? cum putem deconvolutiona cauze de simptome? si cum putem sa criticam ce trebuie criticat si propune solutii fara a intari astfel stigmatizarea si marginalizarea anumitor alegeri sau feluri de expresie a sexualitatii cuiva?

dilema poate fi privita din 2 perspective. mai intii, putem spune ca daca sexualitatea oamenilor e un lucru in primul rind personal si un prerogativ, atita timp cit este influentata de factori socio-culturali si cit devine la rindul ei parte din acesti factori e si un lucru profund politic. sau, un alt mod de-a pune problema ar fi: ca feminist(a), trebuie desigur sa intelegi si sa combati acele structuri opresive care inseamna exploatare pentru femei (si barbati) dpdv sexual (conventiile in ce priveste comportamentul sexual, traficul de fiinte umane, imaginile pornografice care dezumanizeaza sau obiectifica corpul feminin sau normalizeaza violenta sexuala), dar in acelasi timp trebuie sa vezi ca fiecare are dreptul la propriile idei si valori legate de sex, placere, sexualitate si felul in care acestea sint folosite sau manifestate (de ex. a declara ca sex workerii nu pot fi decit exploatati in ceea ce fac, si daca exista unii care au alte pareri atunci ei nu sint destul de constienti, inseamna a adopta o pozitie autoritar-patriarhala fata de sex workeri) .

mai jos sint 3 citate preferate de-ale mele:

Because of this [“whore”] stigma, which keeps many women from freely exploring, experiencing, and naming their own sexuality lest they be called whore, many critics isolate prostitution from other situations in which women are objectified or their labor exploited, and assume both that any problems associated with prostitution are unique and that the existence of prostitution is the root cause of patriarchal and capitalist objectification, economic exploitation, and violence against all women. From a sex workers’ rights point of view, it is the laws against prostitution and the stigma imposed on sex work that provoke and permit violence against prostitutes, and ensure poor working conditions and the inability of many sex workers to move on to other kinds of work without lying about their experience.” Priscilla Alexander

… Sex has been distorted and vilified. I’m scared of my attraction to body types. If everything desired is objectified then maybe eroticism needs to be redefined. And I refuse to be a ‘man.’” Propagandhi, “Refusing to be a Man”

Anti-porn arguments bore me. Such accounts get in bed with right-wingers, infantilize women, condescend to sex workers, refuse to critically consider porn as a social practice, and prescribe what gets to count as “healthy” sexuality (usually vanilla, reproductive heteronormativity). Yawn. / But sometimes, it’s true, as a critical theorist, pro-sex politics also bore me. They sometimes (not always, sometimes) feel limited, especially when what counts as politics is just about fucking. And because I’m a cranky girl, I worry about the very real potential for flattening all those uneven social relations and their histories into a spread-around lack of mind-blowing sex. (If you doubt, did you read the above?) If we meaningfully consider sex and sexuality –especially in its regulation and criminalization—in a dialectic with ideologies of race, gender, nation, capitalism, and material relations, the rhetorical hard-sell of personalized liberation falls flat. / […]To paraphrase critical theorist Lauren Berlant, the real fear in America is not that we –queers, feminists, and others of our kind – will have sex in our bedrooms, but that we will have politics in public.” Mimi Nguyen, “what kind of monster are you?”