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Author Archives: ruxi
the gossip: “heavy cross”
and live studio session:
on “the danger of the single story”
“Stories matter. Many stories matter. Stories have been used to disposess and to malign. But stories can also be used to empower and humanize. Stories can break the dignity of a people, but stories can also repair that dignity.
[…] When we reject the single story, when we realize that there is never a single story about any place, we regain a ‘kind of paradise.'”
(via flip flopping joy: “The danger of a single story”)
despre identitate nationala (si un pic despre gen) si nobel
a racist, classist “pro-education” campaign
“Minister Kocáb disgusted with Slovak Roma advertising” (via h.)
Prague, Oct 8 (CTK) – Czech Human Rights and Ethnic Minorities Minister Michael Kocab considers the method of advertising education used by Romany workers from Slovakia cynical and calculating, his spokeswoman Lejla Abbasova told CTK Thursday.
Workers from Slovakia, mainly Romanies, who repaired communications in Prague centre on Wednesday wore yellow T-shirts with the inscription “I should have studied harder!, thus becoming walking advertisements for education.
The inscription also mentioned the web address that participates in the event with the Underline communication agency.
[…] Kocab said such advertising was deepening a degrading stereotype of an uneducated Romany.
According to Pravo, the workers allegedly got cigarettes, beer and sausages as a reward for the participation in the advertising campaign.
They allegedly agreed to wear the advertising T-shirts voluntarily, Pravo writes.
However, the server, which also informed about the event, said that the workers refused to put on the T-shirts Thursday. The server described the event as offending.
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excellent interview: judith halberstam
JH: I think it is queer theory and feminist theory that is needed. It is very hard to get these perspectives into public discourse. That is the problem. So you have this guy going around shooting people feeling ignored or that something was denied him, and it is hard to insert a political discourse that is not just like “this was just a one crazy dude who went off”, but getting a more considered analysis of why male rage takes this form. That is a feminist question. Why is it a feminist question? Because no other political subject probably would ask that question in that form: Why does male rage take this form? Female rage takes a form of maybe child abuse, sometimes, maybe self-mutilation, maybe anorexia, maybe schizophrenia. It does not take the form of a woman picking up a machine gun and blowing people away. It really does not. We are hard pressed to think of such an event anywhere. So it seems like one of the distinguished features of the ones performing these acts of mass slaughter is maleness. And there I would say a feminist analysis is necessary, and almost impossible to get in the public sphere, because feminism is an afterthought, or considered to be a historical artifact at this point.
read the whole thing: Trikster: “The eccentric archive: An interview with Judith Halberstam” (via)
map of patriarchy :)
Belgrade Pride cancelled – call for action and aftermath
“Serbia seeks far-right bans after gay pride threat”
BELGRADE, Sept 25 (Reuters) – Serbia’s public prosecutor has asked for two far-right groups to be banned after their threats led to the cancellation of a gay pride parade in Belgrade last weekend, an official said on Friday.
Serbian authorities withdrew approval for gay activists to hold a rally in central Belgrade on Saturday after soccer hooligans and the extremist groups Obraz (Face) and Association 1398 threatened to attack the parade.
“The two groups were identified as those which must be outlawed immediately,” prosecutor Slobodan Radovanovic told B92 television.
Serbia’s Ministry of Human and Minority Rights asked prosecutors to seek the ban from the constitutional court after five foreigners were beaten, one critically, in central Belgrade last week. …
For more info and background on the situation:
CALL sent out September 19, 2009 by Belgrade Pride organizers:
Serbian police have cancelled permission for the pride to be held in its planned location in the centre of the city.
This morning organisers Beograd Pride held their final press conference before tomorrows pride parade. Except pride will not be held, due to high security risks and a lack of cooperation on the part of state and police to secure the event. Serbian police have cancelled permission for the pride to be held in its planned location in the centre of the city.
This is after months of planning by the organising team, and repeated assurances from government at all levels, the minister for minorities, and the Serbian premier and president, that the pride will be secured and protected.
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nu vad, nu aud, nu vorbesc…
chiar n-am vrut sa zic nimic de asta pentru ca nu cred ca showbiz-ul (si tot ce tine de el) e mult mai mult decit un… show (si pentru ca in showbiz oricum se aplica alte reguli decit in societatea mai larga). dar din moment ce 100% din comentariile romanesti – de la editoriale la aflari in treburi pe bloguri la discutii aprinse intre tineri si batrini pe strada – par sa fie pro-huiduiala si anti-toleranta (si pentru ca pina si anosta revista felicia – “pentru sufletul tau” – ma informeaza intr-un numar cu madonna pe coperta ca “indiferent cat de tare ar canta Europa ‘aria tolerantei'” nu poti sa fii prea tolerant – si, deh, iti vine sa actionezi “instinctiv” – cu… lenesii si libertinii; unde bineinteles limbajul “codat” indica exact la cine se refera, echivalind nonsalant niste cusururi cu o etnie, asa cum fac si celelalte discursuri larg-apreciate de acest tip – caci evident problema cu care ne streseaza unii si altii este intoleranta ridicata la… lene si nesimtire si alte cusururi care in niciun caz nu se regasesc la populatia majoritara in romania!), simt ca e datoria mea macar sa mentionez incidentul.
intr-o tara in care presedintele foloseste apelative ca “tiganca imputita” si nu scandalizeaza mai pe niciun roman, in care opinia despre romi e asa cum o stim, in care toata lumea pretinde ca realitatea e alta si tine foarte mult la a nu sesiza si problematiza aceasta amagire, nu cred ca surprinde pe nimeni reactia publicului roman la mesajul pro-toleranta lansat de madonna la concert. poate singura surprinsa de-acolo a fost madonna (oricum, se pare ca nu are de gind sa mai faca alte declaratii). ce-i interesant e ce “acoperiri” inedite reuseste sa gaseasca lumea pentru a nu-si problematiza propria ura (de ex., “madonna are o voce slaba, aia din ultimele rinduri nici nu auzeau, si in plus cum sa vorbesti de lucruri pe care nu le stii la primul tau concert intr-o tara, a vazut ea vreun tigan?!” – pe-asta am auzit-o de la un liceean plin de importanta care striga sa auda tot metroul).
sau, la fel de interesant, prin editoriale mai gasesti justificari gen “multi cred ca madonna n-ar avea calitatea morala sa dea astfel de lectii” (aka “nu trebuie sa ascultam vreun mesaj de-al ei pentru ca e numai o tirfa”): am folosi orice “argument” de-o intoleranta pe cit de ironica pe atit de neconstientizata, numai sa putem ramine inca putin cu capul in nisip! pe scurt, “Ce treaba are ea sa ne spuna noua asa ceva?” – intr-adevar: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil… cea mai buna abordare, cu care sintem atit de obisnuiti!
apoi, sa nu uitam ca madonna a spus “… because we don’t believe in discrimination against anyone. We believe in freedom and equal rights for everyone. Gypsies, homosexuals, people who are different…” – iarasi, nesurprinzator ca a fost huiduita pentru asta in romania, desi se presupune ca macar parte din fanii care au platit atitia bani sa fie la concertul ei mai auzisera de ea si istoria ei artistica (ce poate fi mai ironic?! dar din nou ne lovim de ideea ca daca tu ignori ceva, inseamna ca nici nu exista si poti trai “in pace” atita timp cit nimeni nu te forteaza sa nu ignori).
nu dau link-uri la reactii specifice, pentru ca sint prea multe si toate sint la fel, dar am vazut si altceva… pe un blog misto din Grecia (This is Not My Country): “Roma and Madonna”.