ginecologie do-it-yourself

despre o zina care face parte din mobilobiblioteca fia [vom actualiza pagina in curind – o versiune mai recenta a catalogului se gaseste pe site-ul bibliotecii alternative, unde poposeste momentan mobilobiblioteca! UPDATE 19.07.2010: catalog actualizat]:

Hot Pantz begins with the sentence, “Patriarchy sucks,” and goes on to say:

It’s robbed us of our autonomy and much of our history. We believe that it’s integral for women to be aware and in control of our own bodies. The recipes we present here have been known for centuries, passed down from mother to daughter, and have survived the censorship of the witch hunts. Our intent is simple and practical: to help break away from the medical establishment’s tentacular grip on our bodies and our approaches to health and healing.

Hot Pantz provides readers with an understanding of anatomy, recipes to conquer yeast infections and hormonal imbalances, an extensive glossary of self-healing herbs, a list of aphrodisiacs, and it provides instructions on how to give foot massages that will alleviate cramps! …

Herbs predate history; women have been using herbs to treat cramps and bring on their menses for a long time. It’s no secret that natural medicine has been swept under the rug because of the pharmaceutical industry … While medical advancements have certainly provided more access to birth control and hormone therapy than ever before, I have a hard time believing the multi-billion dollar industry that creates these hormonal drugs is super concerned about women’s health. While we have access to these drugs, we do not have control over what goes into them, and pharmaceutical companies are not required to tell us. …

Perhaps part of the reason we talk so little about herbs is because we don’t want to knock drugs that have gone hand-in-hand with women’s liberation. In a recent interview with Bitch, Laura Eldridge (author of In Our Control: The Complete Guide to Contraceptive Choices for Women) spoke of how it is difficult to think critically of the Pill, especially as “acceptance of the Pill was an integral part of second wave feminism and as such allowed for many of the gains women have made.” It is indeed difficult to be critical of the Pill. It is also difficult to be taken seriously while talking about and promoting the use of herbs.

Hot Pantz makes it very clear that the zine is not intended to provide diagnosis or prescriptions. The zine is “an informative guide to help you better understand your body and your health”. They also make sure to state that if you are in doubt, you should not hesitate “to consult an herbal practitioner, naturopath, physician or gynecologist.” I also want to make it clear that I am not against the use of pharmaceuticals. They work for a lot of people. However, I do have a problem with the lack of transparency within the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry that makes decisions about what is going to be available for women to put into their bodies. And I do think that herbal remedies should be more widely available and considered more seriously.

From the Bitch Library: Hot Pantz: Do It Yourself Gynecology

vrei democratie? uite democratie…

apropos de recenta discutie de la postarea “A lovi o femeie insarcinata nu este un act politic !” privind interzicerea marturiilor din cadrul expozitiei despre mineriade din pasajul de la Universitate…
““Ce-ai căutat, fă, aici? Vrei democraţie? Uite democraţie!”” @ mugur grosu
contine mai multe imagini cu aceste marturii care au fost scoase din expozitie.

si aici (@ Jurnal roz de cazarma si nu numai) sint alte texte.

angela davis on racism and intersectionalities of movements

Angela Davis on Judith Butler’s refusal to accept Berlin CSD Civil Courage Prize.

Angela Davis was asked by a SUSPECT member to comment on Judith Butler’s refusal to accept the the Civil Courage Prize on the Berlin CSD June 19th 2010.
(Q & A after the screening of „Angela Davis: Portrait of a Revolutionary” in Berlin, June 20th 2010. The part of the german translator was not taped, thus the pauses and cuts.)

FW: Anti-racism message lost in Judith Butler reporting (Judith Butler refuses Berlin Pride Civil Courage Prize 2010)

Press Release by SUSPECT on the events of the 19th June, 2010

As Berlin Queer and Trans Activists of Colour and Allies we welcome Judith Butler’s decision to turn down the Zivilcourage Prize awarded by Berlin Pride. We are delighted that a renowned theorist has used her celebrity status to honour queer of colour critiques against racism, war, borders, police violence and apartheid. We especially value her bravery in openly critiquing and scandalising the organisers’ closeness to homonationalist organisations. Her courageous speech is a testimony to her openness for new ideas, and her readiness to engage with our long activist and academic work, which all too often happens under conditions of isolation, precariousness, appropriation and instrumentalisation.

Sadly this is happening once again, for the people of colour organisations who according to Butler should have deserved the award more than her are not mentioned once in the press reports to date. Butler offered the prize to GLADT ( , LesMigraS (, SUSPECT and ReachOut (, yet the one political space mentioned in the reports is the Transgenial Christopher Street Day, a white-dominated alternative Pride event. Instead of racism, the press focuses on a simple critique of commercialisation. This even though Butler herself was quite clear: “I must distance myself from complicity with racism, including anti-Muslim racism.” She notes that not just homosexuals, but also “bi, trans and queer people can be used by those who want to wage war.”
Continue reading

ce ne place si ce ne dorim

ar trebui sa-mi notez mai des unele chestii… ca era sa uit complet de ceva care mi s-a parut important: gindindu-ma la vesnica intrebare despre felul in care sint abordate si insusite sau nu rolurile de gen in diferite situatii, si ce ma face inconfortabila pe mine personal cu unele si poate nu cu altele (imi place sa gatesc, sa tricotez, sa ma joc jocuri “de fete”! nu ma intereseaza hainele si accesoriile! consider ca dorinta de a te impune, aroganta si nepasarea de altii sint defecte! cred ca agresivitatea poate fi ceva pozitiv! f. des ma enerveaza tehnologia! uneori imi place f. tare tehnologia! etc. etc.), cit de mult difera astfel de opinii de la o persoana la alta si atunci cum se poate generaliza sau universaliza ceva din toate astea ca sa vorbim despre vreun “proiect feminist” larg, mi-a venit in minte o formulare a problemei pe care pina acum nu cred ca am mai auzit-o prezentata chiar asa (desi ca idee e destul de banala); deci: Continue reading

Bataia in public si alte probleme ale altora

Tocmai avusesem o mica discutie intre noi, in grupul FIA, despre faptul ca in Romania violenta domestica este atat de “normala” si acceptata incat o regasesti, relativ des, chiar in public, pe strada, unde in general lumea o trateaza ca pe o banalitate cotidiana si nimic mai mult…

Tocmai mentionasem tipul de comentarii pe care le-am auzit intr-o situatie in care o femeie a fost agresata la locul de munca, in vazul mai multor oameni, de fostul sot; daca martorii erau scandalizati in vreun fel, motivul era ca “s-a intimplat in timpul orelor de serviciu” si ca in plus acuzatiile pe care i le-a adus barbatul femeii erau nefondate, deci si bataia era oarecum nejustificata – in ideea ca daca femeia ar fi fost intr-un anumit fel (cred ca-si poate imagina oricine exact in ce fel), atunci el ar fi fost total justificat s-o ia la bataie. (Trecem cu vederea minorul detaliu ca marea majoritate a martorilor au asistat la bataie fara sa intervina in niciun fel si ca atunci cand politia a fost chemata si chiar a sosit – o minune in sine! – aproape toata lumea care pina atunci cascase gura a refuzat sa dea declaratii si sa fie martori, iar politistul care trebuia sa se ocupe de procesul verbal s-a ocupat mai degraba de a-i spune femeii ca “a fost vina ei”.)

Si chiar credeam ca tipul asta de reactie acopera si descrie bine gama de mici mentalitati, atitudini si idei care de fapt perpetueaza problema violentei domestice la modul general. Insa este mult mai mult de-atat. Continue reading

and another intersection to consider: dairy is a feminist issue

“dairy is a feminist issue.” @ vegina
via The Vegan Police

Feminism brought me to a place where I could begin to think about embracing veganism as a necessary part of an ethic of social justice. Feminist ideology, a reading of Carol Adams’ The Sexual Politics of Meat and visiting a small family dairy allowed me the pull I needed to abandon my “pescatarianism” for veganism. Veganism is an ethic of (non)consumption that most closely reflects my feminist ideology. It is one way in which I can make a simple choice every time I eat that is overtly political in its message. Veganism is a daily practice that reflects an ethic of care and compassion and equality that is often lacking among humans. Veganism has also allowed me the ability to acknowledge that the oppression of non-human animals and women are mutually reinforcing.

I see a lot of my feminist nightmares played out on female-bodied individuals who are exploited by the […] dairy industry …