apropo: siguranta si incredere!

un afis din martie de la ziua politiei romane –> pentru perpetuarea sexismului, urmati exemplul politiei cu siguranta si incredere:
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“cca 14,5% din electivul Politiei Capitalei este reprezentat de femei” – oare acest procent chiar alcatuieste departamentul… ornamental al politiei, asa cum sugereaza afisul?

thanks, marius

must read post & discussion

Feminism & Prison Reform (or Feminism vs. Prison Reform?) @ feministe

but i’d say that the work of people like angela davis and elaine brown shows that feminist and prison justice activism can fit together very well indeed… because (or if) they are based on the same incentive of addressing injustice in the short and long term.

some additional relevant info can be found in this older post on the history and problems with the feminist anti-violence movement
si ceva ce comentam eu recent pe lista (discutia ar putea continua):

… in cazul organizatiilor care printre altele ofera concret servicii sociale faza cu “legaturile institutionale” e un pic diferita, si voi da un exemplu la ce ma refer: un centru de rape crisis, de ex., oricit de radical ar fi (deci sa zicem daca e unul din cele intr-adevar putine care evita cit mai mult problemele celor f. “ongiste” si axate strict pe asistenta sociala, nu pe schimbare radicala), deci *orice* centru de rape crisis trebuie sa aiba o “legatura”, printre altele, cu *politia*… dar realitatea e ca aceasta “legatura cu politia” este una pe care cred ca n-o intelegi exact daca nu ai fost la spital cu o survivor care fara tine ar fi trebuit sa interactioneze ea direct cu politia in mijloc de criza, dar tu ca “advocate” erai singura persoana care putea ajuta, putea sa medieze asa incit de fapt victima sa-si stie drepturile si sa NU trebuiasca sa se lase pe mina politiei… si daca nu stii ca de fapt “legatura formalizata cu politia” a centrului respectiv nu e nici pe departe una de amicitie si nici de colaborare, ci de suspiciune reciproca – dar macar tu ca advocate ai o putere, sau posibilitatea de a exercita presiune… si legatura asta nu e pentru ca tie iti place de politie sau de institutii ci pentru ca *trebuie* sa fie daca persoanele in criza vor primi vreun ajutor… ideea e ca ce inseamna “legatura” depinde. si ca pina la utopie cind totul va fi asa cum vrem, sint multi oameni pe care ca activisti ori ii consideram din start victime colaterale ori putem sa ne luptam sa aiba acces la resurse – iar activismul pt. schimbare NU inseamna neaparat abandonarea celor care au avut nenorocul sa fie afectati mai tare de sistemul curent. … chiar dimpotriva… sigur, e o discutie lunga despre tactici radicale vs. tactici reformiste si tot restul…

sexele se razboieste deoarece sexele e in razboi. qed

asa… sa zicem ca eu sunt o invatatoare, si ca m-am hotarit ca elevii mei trebuie sa arate urmatoarele aptitudini ca sa ia nota 10 (sau ce nota maxima se ia in ziua de azi):

– sa fie atenti la si sa poata interpreta cu acuratete felul in care se exteriorizeaza oamenii din jurul lor
– sa se orienteze folosind mai multe indicii, nu doar recurgind la propriile reflexe
– sa dea dovada de flexibilitate, sa poata analiza din diverse puncte de vedere si indeplini simultan mai multe sarcini
– sa interactioneze eficient cu altii, fiind dispusi sa compromita si sa se consulte
– sa stie sa delege responsabilitati si la nevoie sa ofere incurajament si suport
– sa cintareasca situatiile si sa caute sa minimizeze riscurile la care se supun pe ei insisi si pe cei din jur
– sa nu se impacienteze usor, sa faca fata presiunilor si sa se descurce la activitati facute contra cronometru
– sa aiba un vocabular bogat si sa comunice cit mai bine
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dealing with trolls

some useful texts and links regarding trolls and how best to deal with them:

“Searching for Safety Online: Managing ‘Trolling’ in a Feminist Forum”
A common phenomenon in online discussion groups is the individual who baits and provokes other group members, often with the result of drawing them into fruitless argument and diverting attention from the stated purposes of the group. This study documents a case in which the members of a vulnerable online community—a feminist web-based discussion forum—are targeted by a “troller” attempting to disrupt their discussion space. We analyze the strategies that make the troller successful and the targeted group largely ineffectual in responding to his attack, as a means to understand how such behavior might be minimized and managed in general. The analysis further suggests that feminist and other non-mainstream online forums are especially vulnerable, in that they must balance inclusive ideals against the need for protection and safety, a tension that can be exploited by disruptive elements to generate intragroup conflict. …

“How To Keep Hostile Jerks From Taking Over Your Online Community”
Angry people looking for fights will inevitably try to poison successful Internet communities. Columnist Cory Doctorow looks at ways to remove the poison without killing the discussion too. …

“The Nature of the Troll”
… The truth is, whatever you say to a troll, he is not going to believe you, or admit that he does. He is not going to be convinced, because he has come to your blog especially to piss you off, to divert your energies from your struggles and goals. Trolls existed before the internet. They attacked brave feminists everywhere they spoke up; told feminists that women didn’t need feminism, that they were unnatural women, that they were going to hell, they beat them, they ridiculed them and they went to amazing lengths to shut them up. And why? Because they were afraid, and because, inside they knew that what feminists were talking about was real, that should feminism spread, their male privileges and constructed perverted pleasures would be destroyed. Every time a troll comes a-ranting, whether he polishes his argument with pseudo-intellectual gloss or simply calls you a whoredykebitchprude, he is afraid. And so he should be. …

“Know Thine Enemy – Species of Troll” and “Species of Troll II – More varieties spotted”

for some more discussion of anti-feminist trolling: “Dear Patriarch Kind Sir: I’m terribly sorry to bother you, but mightn’t you remove your jackboot from my throat at your earliest convenience?”

see also:
Bork bork bork!-ing

Women and ICTs at the European Feminist Forum – Invitation

forward widely, get involved!


Since the end of last year a process has started to prepare the first European Feminist Forum (EFF), planned for 13-15 June 2008.

The EFF secretariat had called last year to start ‘Affinity Groups’ on different subjects to prepare the Forum, and so a group was started focussing on women and tech, ICT, New Media – called ‘agitate’ (Affinity Group InformaTion And new TEchnologies).

We are now looking for and inviting more women and women’s groups to join us in this process.

The general aim of the group is to increase visibility of women in IT, with a focus on FLOSS (Free/Libre/Open Source Software) and new media.

From our application to co-ordinate this topic for the EFF:


Our affinity group will discuss, analyse, raise awareness and get active around issues of women and new media and information and communication technologies (ICTs). The percentage of women who are actively interested in these issues is extremely small, due to different reasons. The roots can be found in education, gender roles, homogeneous and exclusive male structures in existing gender-mixed groups and networks (most of them in fact not mixed but instead almost all-male).

We want to build a stronger network to

* give visibility to our actions,
* carry on the debate about why it seems to be just ‘natural’ that women and computers don’t go together well and what the real reasons are,
* develop more activities with a clear feminist focus (wonderful recent example: Take back the tech),
* share experiences and empower each other and others
* help make access to new media easier for feminist activists
* interrogate and address the ways in which both gender and race are factors that prevent people from having full and equal access to virtual and tech spaces
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more normalized bigoted violence

Lesbians sentenced for self-defense
All-white jury convicts Black women

By Imani Henry
New York
Published Jun 21, 2007 2:58 AM

On June 14, four African-American women—Venice Brown (19), Terrain Dandridge (20), Patreese Johnson (20) and Renata Hill (24)—received sentences ranging from three-and-a-half to 11 years in prison. None of them had previous criminal records. Two of them are parents of small children.

Their crime? Defending themselves from a physical attack by a man who held them down and choked them, ripped hair from their scalps, spat on them, and threatened to sexually assault them—all because they are lesbians.

The mere fact that any victim of a bigoted attack would be arrested, jailed and then convicted for self-defense is an outrage. But the length of prison time given further demonstrates the highly political nature of this case and just how racist, misogynistic, anti-gay, anti-youth and anti-worker the so-called U.S. justice system truly is.

The description of the events, reported below, is based on written statements by a community organization (FIERCE) that has made a call to action to defend the four women, verbal accounts from court observers and evidence from a surveillance camera.

The attack

On Aug. 16, 2006, seven young, African-American, lesbian-identified friends were walking in the West Village. The Village is a historic center for lesbian, gay, bi and trans (LGBT) communities, and is seen as a safe haven for working-class LGBT youth, especially youth of color.
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si doua subiecte (si) locale

  • “Poluarea excesiva scurteaza viata bucurestenilor”

    Traim mai putin, din cauza defrisarilor! Speranta de viata a bucurestenilor este cu patru ani mai mica decat in restul tarii. … Un studiu european arata ca romancele traiesc cel mai putin, in timp ce barbatii lor traiesc ceva mai mult decat lituanienii si estonienii.

    vezi si:
    o initiativa a locuitorilor din Drumul Taberei
    Trees for Cities – Bucharest, Romania (Bucharest, the capital of Romania with a population of 2.5 million people, has sadly become one of the most polluted cities in Europe. Ever increasing traffic, industrial activity, poor waste disposal and above all a dramatic loss of trees and green space have all contributed to the high levels of pollution. Over the last decade there has been a staggering 50% loss in the amount of green space in the city, which has fallen from 35 million square metres in 1989 to only 17 million square metres in 2001. In addition much of the green belt around the city has been cleared to make way for new housing and this in turn has fuelled the air pollution problem as dust from the Romanian Plain can now enter the city more easily.”)
    articol cu date despre speranta de viata pentru romani/romance printre alte statistici

  • “Europa ataca sexismul din publicitate” (28 iunie 2007)

    Parlamentarii europeni atrag atentia asupra discursului sexist din publicitate. Imaginea femeilor este cea mai afectata, mai ales in reclamele cu target masculin. …

    niste pareri si critici de pe lista de discutii lf-ro:
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