Feminist Midwifery Zine call out

A feminist midwifery ‘zine’:
Is midwifery a feminist issue? How do feminists practice midwifery? What are feminists currently thinking about childbearing? What do feminists think about midwives?

This is a ‘call out’ to feminists who would like to contribute to an upcoming ‘zine’ about feminism, midwifery, pregnancy and birthing. A ‘zine’ is an informally published / DIY magazine. If you’ve never seen one then imagine a cross between a leaflet for a local jumble sale, a comic and a text book.

This particular zine will be distributed free or for donations – via free PDF documents and cheap printed copies… contributors will retain original copyright but agree for ‘copy-left’. This means anyone is welcome to copy the zine as long as it’s not for profit and says where the info comes from.

[*Contributions deadline – first draft = 30th August 2008]

You can contribute anything printable to the zine – writing, rants, poems, cartoons, drawings, photos, quizzes and crosswords, origami birth plans, cut out and keep guide to your womb, birth in the NHS self defence tip cards… anything flat!

Please think about making your writing understandable to a wide audience – how you write is up to you, but it might be useful to avoid midwifery jargon or writing in a very academic style.

We are interested in the views of student and qualified midwives; doulas; mums and other parents; birth activists and feminist health folk – if you don’t want to use your name you’re welcome to use a nickname.

Some ideas so far…feminist midwifery: birth without borders? – refugee women birthing in the NHS; queer parenting; freebirthing; trans-men birthing; techno-birth ‘v’ ecofeminism; independent midwifery radical or elitist?; dykes midwives and homosexual panic; earth-mother consumerism; birth as power; birth crisis and birth trauma; sexuality and breastfeeding; dads in the labour room; babybonding – myth and reality; Where are the male midwives?; midwifery, horizontal violence and sexism… Continue reading

carte si articole interesante: “tovarase de drum”

@ Observator Cultural:
O carte in dezbatere: Tovarase de drum. Experienta feminina in comunism.

Despre „epoca de aur“ au apărut, mai ales în ultimul deceniu, mai multe cărţi – fie documente istorice, fie istorii personale, subiective, care reconstituie, retrospectiv, viaţa cotidiană într-o lume din care intimitatea, individualitatea şi, nu în ultimul rînd, feminitatea fuseseră extirpate sistematic. Volumul coordonat de Radu Pavel Gheo şi Dan Lungu aduce în prim-plan o serie de istorii „despre lucrurile aparent fără însemnătate care trec, în timp, printr-o viaţă de om“ (apud Adriana Babeţi). Relatate de scriitoare din generaţii şi medii sociale diferite, istorioarele din Tovarăşe de drum sînt mărturii despre efectele nocive pe care regimul comunist le-a avut asupra destinelor individuale, dar şi radiografii tulburătoare ale procesului de naţionalizare a corpurilor femeilor, iniţiat de partidul unic. (C.M.)

Detalii si discutii in jurul cartii:
“Cum a pornit proiectul, ce spun coordonatorii volumului?”
“Cît de relevantă e diferenţa?” de Bianca Burta-Cernat
“Rîsul şi (r)Estul” de Theodora-Eliza Vacarescu
“Femeia din spatele Cortinei de Fier” de Şerban Axinte
“Ce mişto ar fi fost să fim femei!” de Ovidiu Şimonica
“Radu Pavel Gheo: „Am avut senzaţia că textele erau gata scrise şi abia aşteptau să iasă la iveală“”
“Dan Lungu: „O lumină nouă asupra totalitarismului, dintr-un unghi prea puţin explorat“”
Info de la editura polirom:

“Lucrurile stau in felul urmator: se da o tara plina de betoane, fonta si salopete, se adauga magazine doldora de conserve de peste si cozi la orice, un sef timpit, plus doua-trei culori, destul de terne. Nu, nici vorba de pantofiori pastelati, ciorapi fini, tocuri sofisticate, sampoane si rujuri de firma sau, ma scuzati, sanitary pads. Nu, nici urma de mall-uri. Aaa, neaparat trebuie adaugate croitoresele de cartier, mici vrajitoare intr-ale modei, tragind cu ochiul in revista Burda. Ei bine, in aceasta tara se da drumul unor sufletele sensibile si li se spune: Fiti femei!. Va intrebati cum se descurca? Hmmm, greu de povestit, trebuie citita cartea.” (Dan Lungu)

Volumul cuprinde texte semnate de
: Adriana Babeti – Sarsanela; Anamaria Beligan – Halatul Veronicai; Carmen Bendovski – Lungul drum al comunismului catre sfirsit; Rodica Binder – Chiar asa?; Adriana Bittel – Servus, Reghina; Mariana Codrut – “Atunci am invatat sa renunt”; Sanda Cordos – Din umbra viitorului luminos; Nora Iuga – Scrisoare catre un prieten; Cerasela Nistor – Cerul negru-rozaliu; Ioana Ocneanu-Thierry – Eu, una, n-am suferit!; Simona Popescu – HoRor! Cool!; Iulia Popovici – X si Y; Alina Radu – O zi din viata Alinei Viktorovna; Doina Rusti – Ginecologii mei; Simona Sora – Bibliotecile spitalelor mele; Mihaela Ursa – O poveste de fata; Otilia Vieru-Baraboi – Aha.

ps: eu n-am citit cartea inca si nu stiu cum e, ma ingrijoreaza putin treaba cu “feminitatea” si “sufletele sensibile” (sper sa fie ironie), dar abia astept sa vad. [momentan recomand calduros textul de sus al theodorei vacarescu.] ceva ce scriam in 2004:

“Ne amintim, cantarim si analizam prea putin din ce a insemnat viata noastra inainte de ’89… Dar acea istorie ne influenteaza pe toti la nivel individual si la nivel societal — este o greseala sa continuam sa nu vorbim de experientele noastre, ce au insemnat si cum ne leaga de lumea (lumile) in care traim astazi. Nu pot sa nu vad o paralela intre aceasta tacere si tacerea — pe care ca problema la scara globala am ajuns totusi s-o constientizam si s-o analizam — creata istoric (deci impusa) si in acelasi timp “aleasa” de femei drept modus operandi in cadrul sistemului patriarhal. Cand e vorba de vietile femeilor in societatea romaneasca din perioada comunista, atunci, nevoia de a rupe aceasta tacere are o dubla importanta. …”

interview lf-ro: “how to intervene”

Ladyfest Romania contribution to the book:
Are you talking to me? Discussion on Knowledge Production, Gender Politics and Feminist Strategies,
eds H.arta/Katharina Morawek

How to intervene?
Practices of her-stories

A conversation between Veronika E., Regina W. and Andreea, Ruxandra from the Ladyfest Collective Bucharest.

“A grrrl from Timisoara—who is involved in the local “underground” scene there—decided to start a Romanian Ladyfest after attending the one held in Amsterdam in 2003. Impressed by the premise of a feminist festival showcasing woman artists and by her whole Ladyfest experience, she felt that it would be a good idea to also try something like that, infused with the riot grrrl spirit, at home. Finally, in late 2004, she started planning the festival together with a girlfriend of hers who is the bass player of a political punk band from Timisoara and a few other grrrls they knew; in time the two of them were able to spread the word and get more help from several Romanian girls and women living in different regions and even outside of the country. Ladyfest Timisoara 2005 was a small scale event, but it was a much needed action that brought together Romanian feminists of various ages and younger ones especially, and everyone involved felt that it should be kept going. Afterwards, the organizing collective decided to stay together to plan more events and ultimately a second Ladyfest in October 2007.” Ruxandra

Ladyfest is one example of (re)claiming feminist/queer spaces through a collective process where different structures enable self educational space. For us Ladyfest is an intervention which re-appropriates and re-claims (public) space to inscribe an anti-discriminatory space to secure a feministic queer space that is able to provide structures through which “counter” knowledge is transmitted and produced. It can and should work as a tool, backed by a big network. There are different Ladyfest events with local priorities which are shaped by the people who plan it.
Most of them have in common that they are self organised gatherings with non hierarchical structures working non-institutionalised and including workshops, bands, talks, performances, debates, films, marches to struggle together against homophobia, sexism, racisms, anti-semitism, capitalism, discrimination…

The first Ladyfest in Romania was in 2005 in Timisoara. The second Ladyfest was organised in 2007 and took place in the capital of Romania. We talked with Ruxandra and Andreea about their experiences organizing Ladyfest Bucharest 2007…
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