new report: The Endless Ordeal of Women Migrants

The Endless Ordeal of Women Migrants

by EveryOne Group

Milan, March 26th, 2010. Women fleeing from countries where humanitarian crises are underway often fall victim to physical assault, violence and rape. Today, thanks to a report by Médecins Sans Frontiéres, numerous case have come to light of women being raped during their “journeys of hope”, on their way to Morocco, and sometimes on Moroccan soil. “They are horrifying figures,” say MSF, “because 59% of the women interviewed say they have suffered sexual assault”. In Libya (the country Italy has signed anti-immigration agreements with) the situation is even worse and should be the subject of indignation for all those who believe in civil values. There is much talk (in Italy and throughout the world) of the protection of women and children, but then – through irresponsible xenophobic policies – the authorities contribute to the ordeals that women, children and vulnerable citizens are going through. In Italy too, female “illegal” immigrants regularly fall victim to blackmail and violent treatment. Women who are “legally” here are often subjected to the same treatment and forced to provide “services” outside their normal work duties (under blackmail from employers or landlords) due to the difficulty of holding on to their residence permits, essential for remaining in Italy. This fear of becoming “clandestine” leaves them vulnerable to persecution and blackmail. Not to mention the women interned in the Centres of Identification and Expulsion. The Bossi-Fini law, the “security package”, the anti-immigrant measures are – there is no point in denying it – racial laws, and responsible for an endless ordeal for thousands of women and marginalized and destitute human beings. If only the institutions (both in Italy and in other EU countries, seeing xenophobia is now rife all over Europe) were to listen to the appeals and proposals of civil society and stop being blinded by racial hatred and a fear of refugees and minorities! We would then live in a proud and just Europe – not a continent where human rights are a “privilege” for the few, while the more vulnerable human beings are treated as slaves or pushed back as though they were filthy animals.

via C.

“MSF denounces the sexual violence against migrants on their way to Europe”
— For further information, see MSF document: Sexual Violence and Migration. The hidden reality of Sub-Saharan women trapped in Morocco en route to Europe

GRITtv: Kathleen Hanna: Three-Dimensional Role Model

Kathleen Hanna came into a music scene in the 90s that was angry, violent, and full of men. She and her bandmates in Bikini Kill, along with the rest of the riot grrrl movement, pushed back against that culture and helped usher in a new “wave” of feminism. After Bikini Kill, Hanna went on to make feminist dance music with Le Tigre and has kept pushing boundaries ever since. Recently, she donated her zine archive to NYU’s Fales Library as part of its new Riot Grrrl collection. She joins Laura (GRITtv) in studio to talk feminism, rock’n’roll, and why she’s hopeful for the future.

And for those who want to find out more about what Kathleen Hanna is up to, her blog is here!!!

not cruelty but compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness

apropos de istorie:
“To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places–and there are so many–where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction. And if we do act, in however small a way, we don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”–Howard Zinn, from “The Optimism of Uncertainty” (2004)

A-ti pastra speranta in timpuri grele nu este doar romantic si nesabuit. Se bazeaza pe faptul ca istoria omenirii nu este doar o istorie a cruzimilor, ci si o istorie a compasiunii, sacrificiilor, curajului, bunatatii. Ceea ce alegem noi sa scoatem in evidenta din aceasta istorie complexa ne va determina vietile. Daca vedem numai ce e mai rau, asta ne distruge orice capacitate de a face ceva. Daca ne amintim acele situatii si locuri – si sunt atat de multe – cand oamenii s-au comportat magnific, aceasta ne da energia sa actionam, sau cel putin posibilitatea sa trimitem acest titirez care e Pamantul intr-o directie diferita. Si daca actionam cumva, chiar intr-o mica masura, nu trebuie sa mai asteptam un mare viitor utopic. Viitorul este o succesiune infinita de prezenturi, si a trai acum asa cum consideram ca ar trebui sa traiasca oamenii, sfidand ceea ce e rau in jurul nostru, este in sine o minunata victorie.”

For more on Zinn’s life, see his obituary from the Boston Globe
via ak press

Myriam Merlet

Haitian Feminist Leader Myriam Merlet (1953-2010)
… the passing of Haitian political activist Myriam Merlet. She died under the rubble of her home after it collapsed on her last week. Myriam Merlet was the Chief of Staff of the Haitian Ministry of Women and an outspoken feminist who helped draw international attention to the use of rape as a political weapon. We speak with playwright and activist Eve Ensler, who knew Myriam very well, and air video of Myriam speaking in 2008 at V-Day. [includes rush transcript]

The Mongoose Chronicles: Myriam Merlet; more about her

“european person of the year 2010”: iana matei

“‘Europeanul Anului 2010’ este o hunedoreancă născută în municipiul Orăştie”

Iana Matei a fost recompensată de o revistă de talie mondială pentru lupta sa împotriva prostituţiei juvenile, dar şi pentru salvarea victimelor traficului de carne vie.
De la o adresă secretă din Piteşti, voluntarii organizaţiei „Reaching Out” salvează vieţile copiilor care cad victime traficanţilor de fiinţe umane. În fruntea lor este Iana Matei de 50 de ani, preşedinta şi fondatoarea organizaţiei, care şi-a dedicat şi chiar riscat viaţa pentru salvarea acestor copii.

(via c.)

“Europeanul Anului 2010 este romanca Iana Matei”

“‘Européenne de l’année 2010’: Iana Matei, l’ange des persécutés”

“‘Europäerin des Jahres 2010’: Iana Matei, der Engel der Verschleppten”

“Romanian named European Person of the Year 2010”

The 19-strong jury of the Reader’s Digest magazine, offered the title of ‘European Person of the Year’ to a Romanian, a first in the 15-year history of this award, a hero who has dedicated and risked her life to save the girls who fell victim to traffickers in persons.

It’s been 11 years since Iana Matei, aged 50, founder and executive director of ‘Reaching Out’, has been using her organization as a weapon against this most cruel form of modern slavery.

Reaching out, a shelter for trafficked girls

“the haiti that we knew no longer exists”

Via Democracy Now! comes this report about how many right wing think tanks are already speculating on the best way to “take advantage” of the disaster in Haiti.

Naomi Klein Issues Haiti Disaster Capitalism Alert: Stop Them Before They Shock Again
Journalist and author Naomi Klein spoke in New York last night and addressed the crisis in Haiti: “We have to be absolutely clear that this tragedy—which is part natural, part unnatural—must, under no circumstances, be used to, one, further indebt Haiti and, two, to push through unpopular corporatist policies in the interest of our corporations. This is not conspiracy theory. They have done it again and again.” [includes rush transcript]

via vivirlatino, via flip flopping joy

more democracy now! commentary and on-the-ground coverage:

US Policy in Haiti Over Decades “Lays the Foundation for Why Impact of Natural Disaster Is So Severe”

Report from Haiti: Desperate Call for Aid with Rescue Equipment, Medicine, Food & Water in Short Supply

“The Sound of Screaming Is Constant”–Haiti Devastated by Massive Earthquake, Desperate Search for Survivors Continues

Earthquake Survivors Dying as Aid Struggles to Reach Haiti