despre intersectia feminism-critica nationalismului

o foarte buna sinteza a raspunsului la intrebarea de ce nationalismul este un subiect relevant pentru feminism si viceversa (de thinking girl) [en]

… Nationalism is replacing democracy. Nationalism … is a disguised form of racism, and democracy becomes a tool for nationalist racism to flourish through “freedom of speech” that allows freely spoken hatred – this “freedom” is a freedom of the speaker, not a freedom of those spoken about. When nationalism creates images and rhetoric of homogeneity in its population, marginalizing on the basis of race, gender, and sexuality, the freedom of marginalized groups to speak back against hate speech with speech of their own is compromised, because their speech is not as powerful and valuable as that of the dominant group. Hate speech is one-sided; how is that “freedom”? “equality”? Outsiders in a nation cannot use freedom of speech to challenge the inside ofthat nation; their speech is rejected.

Language about nations is largely highly gendered. We talk about the “mother” or “fatherland”, the “mothertongue.” Nationalism is often spoken in terms of family, headed by a masculine figure, and embodied as a woman. The patriarchal family unit is privileged in nationalistic discourses. The feminine is mother, nurturer, caregiver, in this family, and so the nation’s women are mothers of all the children of the nation. This makes women particular targets in ethnic cleansing regimes as warring groups rape and impregnate women, forcing them to literally be the mothers of a new fantasmic nation of their own design. The women themselves get lost in these violent acts; ethnic cleansing/genocidal rape is seen as worse than “regular” rape, partially because the crime has men as the intended victims as well as the raped women: genocidal rape is meant to eliminate a population of people, not just eliminate the woman. And here, of course, “people” includes the most important citizens: male citizens. At the same time that victims of genocidal rape are forced to be mothers to a new nation, they are eliminated as the mothers of the old nation, used to break apart the national family. And this fiction is legitimized along racial lines but it plays out on gender lines, normalizing gender violence by leaving it unnamed. Male-male rape in war is not mentioned because it destabilizes the very idea of gender central to nationalism. And, of course, in all of this ideology about the patriarchal family unit, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and trans people are completely invisible, because sexuality is invisible…

anunt training gen, 10-12 noi. cluj

Institutul Roman pentru Actiune, Instruire si Cercetare in Domeniul Pacii cu sprijinul
International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), Women Peace Makers Program

organizeaza in perioada

10-12 noiembrie 2006, Cluj-Napoca

Programul de instruire:

Inegalitatea si violenta de gen:
forme, consecinte si strategii de interventie nonviolenta

Programul de instruire de trei zile este adresat persoanelor ce lucreaza si studiaza in diferite domenii (administratie publica centrala si locala, sanatate, politie, organizatii neguvernamentale, invatamant, mass-media etc.) si care sunt interesate de problematica inegalitatii de gen si violentei cauzata de aceasta, de consecintele defavorabile asupra femeilor si barbatilor atat in viata sociala cat si privata.

Programul va explora coordonatele masculinitatii si feminitatii construite social, diferentele si inegalitatile dintre femei si barbati, dimensiunile violentei de gen, punand accentul pe transformarea tuturor formelor de violenta – directa, structurala si culturala – pe care inegalitatea de gen le creeaza, mentine si perpetueaza.

Acesta este interactiv, bazandu-se pe experientele participantilor si oferind un cadru pentru dialog cu scopul de a gasi cele mai bune modalitati pentru abordarea inegalitatilor de gen si crearea unui parteneriat real intre femei si barbati la diferite nivele.

Ca instrument de lucru programul va utiliza publicatia editata in 2005 sub egida Institutului Roman pentru Pace pe tema inegalitatii de gen ca violenta in diferite forme, care se doreste un instrument de lucru util profesionistilor si persoanelor interesate din diferite domenii.

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Pamflet resursa pentru lectura si educatie pe teme de gen

Ina Curic pune la dispozitie urmatorul pamflet educativ:

PASI SPRE TARA EGALITATII – O provocare pentru fete si baieti
(Publicatie realizata in cadrul proiectului „Educatie pentru schimbare”, 2005, desfasurat de Societatea pentru Egalitate de Gen, Suceava in colaborare cu Comitetul pe Gen si Dezvoltare si Institutul Roman pentru Pace, Cluj-Napoca)


Nota explicativa

I. E baiat sau fata? Sex si gen social
II. Lumea in roz si lumea in bleu. Roluri si stereotipuri de gen
Consecinte ale stereotipurilor
Ce putem face? Spre o lume multicolora
III. Care drum e mai usor? Evolutia spre egalitate de gen
Mosteniri culturale
De ce nu exista egalitate?
IV. Imaginea corporala. Standarde de feminitate si masculinitate
Note de supravietuire pentru imaginea corporala
V. Violenta – implicatii de gen
Ce putem face?
Ce pot face barbatii impotriva violentei asupra femeilor
VI. Idei pentru viitor
VII. Exercitii pentru reflectie
Cat de mult stii?
Masoara-ti stima de sine
Imagineaza-ti viata
Care iti sunt valorile?

Surse bibliografice

Harti pentru Tara Egalitatii

Pamfletul contine niste notiuni “de gen” de baza, cu sugestii pentru discutii si activitati – extrem de util si interesant ca lectura (nu numai pentru copii/adolescenti dar pentru oricine e interesat/-a de feminism si teme de gen in general, indiferent de nivelul sau de familiaritate si confort cu “studiile de gen”). Comentariile si reactiile sint apreciate, deci citeste, absoarbe, evalueaza si da-ti cu parerea!

Gender and Peacebuilding -Advanced International Training Programme

A Five-Days International Training Programme for Practitioners, Policy Makers, International and National Agency Staff and NGOs working in peacebuilding, conflict transformation and post-war recovery

Organised by TRANSCEND and the Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania (PATRIR)

April 10-14, 2006 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

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