gender & sexuality – hardcore style

Because I love hardcore(hardcore-punk that is) I recently started reading “Burning Fight: The Nineties Hardcore Revolution in Ethics, Politics, Spirit and Sound.” The book is made up of interview with members of various nineties hardcore bands which made an impact at the time and also on what hardcore developed into afterwards. It’s definitely a worthy read for anyone who loves hardcore and hardcore history.

The reason I bring it up here is because for anyone who knows, and for everyone who didn’t know till now, hardcore-punk has been dominated mainly by white middle-class(ish) boys .

This has inspired many discussions, debates, fights, lyrics, crews, etc.

So below I share a few quotes from a section on Gender and Sexuality in the book.

I’ve chosen only some of them, which were of interest to me, but also diverse. They’re just a few and I type them in their entirety because they make up part of someone’s story and I don’t want to edit that any further than the context already has.

Daisy Rooks (Chicks Up Front crew): I noticed that as it got toward the mid-nineties it was sort of in vogue in the straight edge scene to at least pretend you were down with feminism or choice issues regarding abortion. People gave lip service to it, which was good because men were talking about these issues, but in terms of overall core behavior I didn’t see a lot of change during my time in the scene.

Jen Angel (Fucktooth Fanzine, Clamor Magazine): For a large part the level of sexism depended on where you lived. I felt that there were real regional differences in how communities were comprised. Where I lived in Ohio, there were women in the scene, but only a few were really active in bands or writing zines. A lot of them just went to shows and hung out, and that was cool, too. I was fortunate to have a few really good female friends, and I was really influenced by female-made zines like Slug and Lettuce, Cooties, and a ton more. I did feel like it was a boys’ club, but I also felt that I could assert myself if i wanted to, though that was difficult. I remember there was a lot of discussion around competition among women in the scene and I definitely felt that, which may have been real or perceived. I felt that it made it difficult for me to really make strong friendships with women, with a few exceptions, and I had to work to overcome that so I could build new relationships with amazing women and not feel threatened by them.

Sean Capone: I think the homophobia in hardcore was a simple, uncreative, “don’t drop the soap” style homophobia. A queer in the pit was a threat to the normative sublimation of hetero-male aggression that can only come from physical contact with another man. People took my arrival with a certain grain of salt. It’s not like “queer-edge” was some movement dying to be born. Why the lack of discussion? Well, straight guys will begrudgingly accept feminism in their scene; after all, it’s their sex lives on the line at the end of the day. But there’s no real personal stake in having to accept gays, I guess, which may be a bit reductive, but I was astonished at the appalling credulity of people in the face of blatantly untrue rumors and calumny. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t out to start a sexual revolution within hardcore [Positron Fanzine], I just wanted to have fun and annoy some people, which I did, and find some boys to date, which I was less successful at.

Chris Boarts-Larson: Homophobia was even worse than racism as an underlying issue that was ingrained into people – whether from family or society – that was in turn mimicked in the scene. I think it was very hard for people to be “out” in the late-eighties and that in the early-nineties it di become a hot topic and it was a very positive thing. For me it went hand in hand with gender, sexism, racism – all of them were bad and it was important ot educate people about [them]. Homosexuality and homophobia were one of hte biggest otpics of hte time period of the early-nineties at ABC No Rio. Mike Bullshit, who was one of hte people organizing the initial hardcore matinee at ABC No Rio, was gay, adn he felt very ostracized in the NYC hardcore scene. I think that he was in the closet for a very long time, and finally around this time came out and it was therefore one of the essential foundation issues of the time and place. If you couldn’t deal with it, esentially you weren’t welcome at ABC. I have tons of respect for Mike for what he did at this time, I really can’t begin to say I know anythign what about he went through, but i know it was hard and putting yourself out there like that is hard and he caught a lot of shit, even amongst those who should have been and were expected to be more understanding. But it definitely opened up a door for a lot of other people to talk about their own experiences and feelings and I know that a lot of other people also came out aruond that time.

Biblioteca Vie pe Matasari – Femei pe Matasari

„Matasari, locul unde femeia se vinde la colt de strada”, „De neoprit! Inca o serie de aresturi pe Matasari!”, „Femeile usoare sunt la ele acasa pe Matasari!” – acestea sunt doar cateva titluri de ziare care reflecta perceptia negativa asupra zonei Matasari.
Dar daca maine dimineata v-ati trezi si ati citi in ziar: „Matasari, locul unde arta se admira la colt de strada”, „De neoprit! Inca o serie de evenimente culturale pe Matas…ari!”, „Femeile artiste sunt la ele acasa pe Matasari!”?
Acesta este obiectivul proiectului „Femei pe Matasari”, schimbarea perceptiei asupra acestei zone, dar acest obiectiv nu va fi atins intr-o noapte, ci in 3 zile si 2 nopti. Un adevarat maraton al artei si culturii prin care ne propunem sa dezvaluim fata nevazuta si nebanuita a zonei Mătăsari. Femeile nu se vor mai vinde la colt de strada, ci isi vor expune arta, talentul pentru a rasturna valorile negative ale acestei zone si pentru a redefini rolul femeii in societate.
3 zile, 2 nopti, 1 scop – inchidem strada si deschidem mintile in cadrul maratonului femeilor talentate si de succes. Vom dezbate cu invitati de onoare rolul femeii in societate si vom organiza seminarii despre violenta domestica, abuz, avort si despre multe alte teme controversate pentru a promova si latura educationala a acestui proiect.
Arta va defila in toata spendoarea ei pe strada Matasari: prezentari de moda, concerte, proiectii pe cladiri, gatit, jocuri inedite, cinematograf in aer liber, standuri in care femeile iti vor promova cauzele umanitare pentru care lupta (Hospice Casa Sperantei, Asociatia Telefonul Copilului etc.) si multe alte evenimente realizate cu femei, despre femei, despre talentele lor.

Biblioteca Vie pe Matasari

Biblioteca Vie este un proiect care se integreaza perfect in conceptul festivalului Femei pe Matasari, prin cele doua criterii care il definesc: este anti-prejudecati si sustine schimbul de experiente. Biblioteca Vie doreşte să pună accentul pe diversitate şi nu pe stereotipuri.
Biblioteca vie functioneaza ca o biblioteca obisnuita – cititorii vin si imprumuta carti pentru o perioada limitata de timp. Dupa ce citesc cartile, le returneaza in biblioteca, si daca vor, pot sa mai imprumute o carte. Exista insa un aspect important: cartile sunt fiinte umane care se folosesc de cunostintele si experienta lor de viata pentru a intra intr-un dialog personal cu cititorul.
Cartile din biblioteca vie sunt oameni cu povesti si experiente de viata interesante care ar da cititorului o ocazie unica de invatare. Biblioteca Vie isi propune sa promoveze respectul pentru drepturile omului si demnitatea umana, sa atraga atentia asupra diversitatii in toate formele ei, sa stimuleze dialogul intre oameni.

Daca te intereseaza sa fii CARTE VIE trimite un mail la si poti afla mai multe informatii despre ce inseamna sa fii carte si cum se desfasoara biblioteca. Daca nu, atunci poate ne recomazi pe altcineva interesat sa participe.

Biblioteca Vie feminina din cadrul festivalului Femei pe Matasari se desfasoara in zilele de 18 – 19 iunie, 2011.


din istorie V

Lena Constante

mi-am reamintit de Lena cand am vazut ca la Muzeul Taranului Roman o sa fie proiectat filmul lui Thomas Ciulei, Nebunia capetelor, miercuri 26 ianuarie.

despre ea stiu ca era foarte interesată de artă populară românească. Se va căsători cu etnomuzicologul Harry Brauner. În 1954 fondează Teatrul Ţăndărică împreună cu Elena Pătrăşcanu, soţia lui Lucreţiu Pătrăşcanu. Deşi nevinovată, devine astfel acuzată în procesul politic intentat acestuia, şi este condamnată, împreună cu Harry Brauner, la 12 ani de închisoare, pe care ii va executa.

“Am trait singura in celula, 157,852,800 de secunde de singuratate si frica. E un lucru care nu se spune, se urla! M-au condamnat sa mai traiesc inca 220,838,400 de secunde! Sa le traiesc sau sa mor pentru ele” declara Lena Constante in cartea sa “Evadarea tacuta”, (Lena Constante, Evadarea tacuta: 3000 de zile singura in inchisorile din Romania, traducere din limba franceza Lena Constante, Ed. Humanitas, 1992, p. 5)

Queer Bucharest Biennale

The Queer Bucharest Biennale was recently called into being (pls see below).
Queer Bucharest Biennale 2010
For the opening of the biennial, streets, buildings, public transportation and fellow citizens will be tagged with colour stickers, stating the taglines of the QBB. Whether it be a provocation, blasphemy, a short legislative poem or a dirty word, we would very much appreciate your contribution (up to like 10 words). *

It has been decided. The next Bucharest Biennale will be the fourth in a row of biennials directed and curated by men, which for the current edition have selected the noble imperative “Handlung” to denominate its aspirations. But despite the engaging rhetoric, the Bucharest Biennale has so far neglected to address the persistent marginalization of the queer community as part of its agenda. In response to the Bucharest Biennale’s incitement to action and as an attempt to engage the art community of a city, in which the number of attendants at the annual Gay Fest amounted to less than 300, and the reason why 2009 is reported to have been the first year without casualties is that the attendants were escorted by more than twice as many police, including K9 and horse-mounted units, we decided to reclaim the biennial by hijacking its identity, colouring and renaming it.

The Queer Bucharest Biennale will be in the streets of Bucharest as of 21 May 2010 for our little share of Handlung.

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