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de pe “(s)hitlist”-ul revistei bitch, un post despre o discutie feminista despre porn:
“Porn on the Page
All this week, Slate’s book club features Laura Kipnis (Against Love), Wendy Shalit (A Return to Modesty), and Meghan O’Rourke discussing two new books on the sexualization of American culture, Pamela Paul’s Pornified: How Pornography is Transforming Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Fantasies and Ariel Levy’s Female Chauvinist Pigs: Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture. We’re psyched to see both these books—and the many questions about pleasure, gender, and agency they bring up—discussed by such provocative women. (Also, be sure to check out our own interview with Levy in the upcoming issue of Bitch.)”
+ comentariile la discutie
interesant de rasfoit!
alte cateva link-uri feministe (si nu numai)
No Status Quo
The Real Hot 100
reviste/reviste online
The F Word
Bitch | Feminist Response to Pop Culture
Clamor Magazine
Queer Zinesters Have Lives Too
Venus Zine
(anti-)porn resources *
One Angry Girl (disclaimer)
Hustling the Left
On Sex Positiveness
Porn Destroys Women
You Are What You Eat
Biting Beaver Blog
* in speranta ca acest subiect/aceste link-uri sa nu fie considerat/e “nepotrivit/e” :)