anti-rasism II

Despre situatia femeilor rrome in Romania/ECE/Europa:

  • audio: Creation of Roma women’s networks, a key challenge to promote their human rights
  • puncte de baza
    “The Challenges of and for Romani Women”
    “Romani Women’s Participation in Public Life”
  • despre multipla-discriminare in general:
    “Femeile rrome dublu discriminate in Bulgaria”
    “Roma Women Organize to Fight Triple Bias”
  • sau mai specific:
    “Femei rrome cer modificarea legislatiei privind egalitatea de sanse”
  • numai un exemplu de discriminare institutionalizata:
    “Sterilizare fortata – Tigancile vor dreptate” (presa mainstream)
    “Forced Sterilization and Other Assaults on Roma Reproductive Freedom”
  • —–
    Pentru punere in context, ca privire de ansamblu asupra miscarilor feministe:
    Printre feminisme | Topics in feminism


    De ce e anti-rasismul tema feminista, citeva raspunsuri:


    Feminismul, ca lupta pentru eliberare, trebuie sa existe atat separat de, cat si ca parte din lupta pentru eradicarea dominatiei in toate formele sale. Trebuie sa realizam ca dominatia patriarhala are in comun cu rasismul si alte forme de opresiune aceeasi fundatie ideologica, si ca nu exista speranta ca unul din sisteme sa fie eradicat atata timp cat celelalte raman intacte. Aceasta informatie ar trebui sa contribuie in mod consistent la directia practicii si teoriei feministe. …Cred ca daca definim feminismul ca “miscare pentru eliminarea sexismului si opresiunii sexiste” vom putea avea un scop politic comun… bell hooks

    Cand feminismul nu se opune explicit rasismului, si cand antirasismul nu include o opozitie la patriarhat, miscarile politice pe baza de rasa si gen ajung de multe ori sa fie antagoniste una fata de alta si astfel amandoua interesele pierd. Kimberly Crenshaw

    Aceasta idee de alteritate este fara indoiala forta cea mai pernicioasa… In spiritul “nu-ca-noi” se ajunge la atatea forme de bigotism: rasismul, sexismul, homofobia.
    Anna Quindlen

    Oroarea stratificarii de clasa, rasismului si prejudecatilor este ca unii oameni incep sa creada ca siguranta familiilor si comunitatilor lor depinde de opresiunea altora, si ca pentru ca unii sa aiba vieti bune trebuie sa existe altii ale caror vieti sunt trunchiate si brutale. Dorothy Allison

    Rasism: Convingerea ca una din rase e inerent superioara tuturor celorlaltor rase si de aceea are dreptul sa domine.
    Sexism: Convingerea ca unul din sexe e inerent superior celuilalt si de aceea are dreptul sa domine.
    Heterosexism: Convingerea ca un tipar pentru a iubi este inerent superior si de aceea are dreptul sa domine.
    Homofobia: Teama de sentimentele de iubire pentru membri ai aceluiasi sex si de aceea ura pentru aceste sentimente la altii.
    Formele de orbire umana de mai sus provin din aceeasi radacina – inabilitatea de a vedea sau tolera notiunea de diferenta ca fiind o forta umana benefica si dinamica, o forta care imbogateste in loc sa ameninte sinele definit.
    Audre Lorde


    Feminism, as liberation struggle, must exist apart from and as a part of the larger struggle to eradicate domination in all its forms. We must understand that patriarchal domination shares an ideological foundation with racism and other forms of group oppression, and that there is no hope that it can be eradicated while these systems remain intact. This knowledge should consistently inform the direction of feminist theory and practice. … I suggest that defining feminism broadly as “a movement to end sexism and sexist oppression” would enable us to have a common political goal… bell hooks

    When feminism does not explicitly oppose racism, and when antiracism does not incorporate opposition to patriarchy, race and gender politics often end up being antagonistic to each other and both interests lose. Kimberly Crenshaw

    This sense of otherness is the single most pernicious force… Its not-like-us ethos makes so much bigotry possible: racism, sexism, homophobia. Anna Quindlen

    The horror of class stratification, racism, and prejudice is that some people begin to believe that the security of their families and communities depends on the oppression of others, that for some to have good lives there must be others whose lives are truncated and brutal. Dorothy Allison

    Racism: The belief in the inherent superiority of one race over all others and thereby the right to dominance.
    Sexism: The belief in the inherent superiority of one sex and thereby the right to dominance.
    Heterosexism: The belief in the inherent superiority of one pattern of loving and thereby its right to dominance.
    Homophobia: The fear of feelings of love for members of one’s own sex and therefore the hatred of those feelings in others.
    The above forms of human blindness stem from the same root – the inability to recognize or tolerate the notion of difference as a beneficial and dynamic human force, and one which is enriching rather than threatening to the defined self.
    Audre Lorde