Matilda European Master in Women’s and Gender History: Intensive Programme Sofia 2011

MATILDA Intensive Programme Summer School
St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia
11 – 23 July 2011

Transnational Approaches to European Women’s and Gender History : Institutions and Movements, 19th and 20th centuries III

Lectures and Readings

The „Matilda Effect“, named for the suffragist, feminist critic, and early sociologist of knowledge Matilda J. Gage, who in the late 19th century both experienced and articulated the following phenomenon: the under-recognition accorded to those who have little to start with (complementing the “Matthew Effect”, made famous by Robert K. Merton in 1968, describing the phenomenon that who have will be given) (cf. Rossiter, Margaret W.: The Matthew Matilda Effect in Science. In: Social Studies of Science, 1993, 23, 325-341).

& about MATILDA

— via mihai

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