cfp: Equal is not enough


European Conference on Equal Opportunities

“Equal Is Not Enough”

Dealing with Opportunities in a Diverse Society

13, 14 and 15 September 2006

Antwerp (Policy Research Centre on Equal Opportunities), Belgium

The issue:
Aiming at equal opportunities at the beginning of someone’s life on the one
hand, making sure everyone ends equally on the other hand. These are two
politico-philosophical and policy approaches on a just society that have
proven their defects. For they don’t take into account the diversity that
exists within every society stemming from individual and group-based
characteristics. Both dimensions, equality and diversity, are therefore

However, (in)equality encompasses more than merely similarities and
differences between people; it is also a question of individual’s divergent
means. Not just the outcome (the continuum equality-diversity) should be
brought into focus, the means too (equal opportunities) should be taken
into account.

Inequality of opportunities arises when people are unable to develop
their individual skills, including choice skills; when they are confronted
with discrimination or are living in a society where people are not or
inadequately prepared to protect each other and the general interest.

Differences between individuals cease to be acceptable when they
restrict some individuals, despite proportionality of effort, in attaining or
consolidating a desired position.

In actual practice this isn’t always feasible:

– Women earn less than men and all the higher the post one holds, so
much the bigger the difference;
– Fellow citizens of migrant origin are being given fewer chances when
they present themselves on the labour market;
– Married homosexuals, lesbians and bisexuals aren’t allowed to adopt
– Older employees experience difficulties or don’t succeed in finding a
job once they’re out of work.

The challenge:
With this conference, we accept the challenge of trying to grasp the
notion of equal opportunities in increasingly diverse societal contexts. The
expertise that the Policy Research Centre on Equal Opportunities (PRCEO)
has acquired over the years shall serve as a guideline

This expertise encompasses:

– An intersectional (i.e. not limited to a single dimension of equal
opportunities), integral (i.e. encompassing various domains of life) and
dynamic (i.e. variable over the life course) approach to equal

– The opportunity dimensions of gender, age, ethnicity and sexual

– Various public and private life domains: education, labour market
(incl. retirement phase), politics, voluntary work, the media (imaging, media
behaviour), ICT (e-inclusion), healthcare, social networks (individual
and in relation to social movements), family and relationship formation,
socialisation and perception of identity;

– Statistics and indicators on equal opportunities and research into the
subjective perception of equal opportunities.

The scope:
We examine equal opportunities from different point of views: a
conceptual-theoretical interpretation (to conceptualise), a qualitative
empirical interpretation (to explore), a quantitative empirical
interpretation (to monitor) and a policy-related interpretation (to

To conceptualise:
‘Equal opportunities’ is a normatively charged umbrella term. In order
to give equal opportunities a scientific basis and to pursue a good policy
on equal opportunities, it’s imperative to define this concept as well as
related words (emancipation, diversity, non-discrimination, solidarity,
the life course and so on). Moreover the rhetoric on equal opportunities
ought to be scrutinized: who speaks about equal opportunities?, in what
context (when, where)?, with what purpose?, and in what manner?

To explore:
Since every individual puts a different meaning on equal opportunities
it is important to pay attention to the subjective perception of equal
opportunities. Which mechanisms of exclusion do individuals recognize?
Likewise: why do some people fail to lead an active and autonomous life,
both in the social and economical sphere, despite the opportunities they
have been given?

To monitor:
In addition to the above-mentioned qualitative dimension, research into
equal opportunities posits the use of statistics and indicators.
Qualitative and quantitative research into equal opportunities draw a
picture of the sort, the scope and the factors that impede or favour
individuals throughout their lives.

To enhance:
An equal opportunities policy aims at, as best one can, preventing or
making up arrears in life. Which form do equal opportunities policies
take in different countries and over time? Which conceptual (emancipation,
equal opportunities and/or diversity) and strategic decisions (collective
and/or individual approach, equal treatment, positive action and/or
mainstreaming) do policymakers make? Where do civil society and the research community come into this?

The PRCEO takes into account all dimensions and domains that touch on
equal opportunities. Subscribers to the conference are free to submit
abstracts that bear upon the PRCEO’s expertise or that add something to it (a new opportunity dimension, an underexposed life domain and so forth). We
give preference to contributions that incorporate the principle of

Deadline abstracts:
28 February 2006

Abstracts should meet the following criteria:

– Name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s);
– Contact details of presenting author (postal address, telephone, fax and email address);
– Title of proposed presentation;
– Keywords, including the domain(s) (2 at the most) and the opportunity
dimension(s) Abstract of a maximum of 200 words;
– .txt, .rtf, .doc or .swx format

Abstracts should be sent to:

Authors will be notified of the acceptance of their abstract the 15th of April at the latest.

Paper sessions will be 25 minutes long.

Conference website:

Policy Research Centre on Equal Opportunities (PRCEO):
Prinsstraat 13 (correspondence address)
Gratiekapelstraat 12 (visiting address)
2000 Antwerp
Tel: +32 (0)3 220 42 96
Fax: +32 (0)3 220 43 82

Please accept our apologies if you have already received this message.

Best regards,

The Policy Research Centre on Equal Opportunities

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